Harry Potter and the Patil Twins
Normal Chapters
These chapters start at the beginning of the story and are normally from Harry's POV
Harry is wandering the corridors after McGonagall confiscates hie Firebolt, Parvati convinces him to change his electives
- Harry actually changes his electives
- Harry and the twins go down to the Chamber of Secrets to inspect the body of the Basilisk
- The twins tell Harry their problem and explain how he can help
- Harry sends several letters and receives replies
- Draco's attempt to bypass Hooch's punishment fails miserably
- The visit to Gringotts gets closer
- A few minor errands to be run before we go to Gringotts
- A Special mini chapter for Parvati
- The first part of the visit to Gringotts
- The Second part of the visit to Gringots
- The Thrid and final part of the vist to Gringotts
Advanced Chapters
These chapters are the first material I wrote for HPPT and are set during the Yule Ball in 4th year, are written from Hermione's POV and may change substantially when the story catches up to them
- The Yule Ball where Harry reveal things to the Wizarding World
- After effects of what Harry revealed